What is electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is classified into two types, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation Ionizing radiations belong to the high-frequency category, such as, X-rays and Gamma rays, while non-ionizing radiation is when photons are too weak to break the bonds. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation, radio frequency and microwaves, all belong to this category. Our electronic devices (i.e. phones and computers) emit EMR constantly.

Effects of EMR on the human body

Electromagnetic radiation can affect human health, and that’s all there is to it. There is electrical activity flowing through our bodies which plays a vital role in our performing functions such as growth, metabolism, movement, and thought. Exposure to EMR can upset this flow and disrupt the functioning of our organs—especially that of the brain. It can also result in the development of serious health conditions such as insomnia, depression, and a shortened attention span, all while exposing your brain to damage from toxic substances.

The World Health Organization has even classified Radio frequency (RF) emissions as a carcinogen of the group 2B category, which is a category shared by lead and pesticides. This in the wake of a study which suggested that cellphone usage had led to the development of malignant tumors, especially of the brain. Some studies also indicate that exposure to non-ionizing radiation can lead to headaches, fatigue, allergies, skin conditions, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and more.

Take Action Now

There remains no doubt anymore that electromagnetic radiation can affect human health adversely. The effects of EMR on the human body Consider learning more about the top tier radiation protection products offered by Total Pro Technology. By using Total Pro Complete, you are guaranteed to have effective protection from the potentially dangerous effects of EMR on human health—for both yourself and those you care about.


電磁輻射(EMR)分為兩類:電離輻射和非電離輻射。電離輻射屬於高頻範疇,例如X射線和伽瑪射線,而非電離輻射是指光子太弱而不能破壞。 紫外線和紅外線輻射,射頻和微波都屬於這一類。 我們的電子設備(即電話和電腦)不斷發射EMR。

電磁輻射會影響人體健康。電磁輻射在我們的身體中流動著電子活動,這對我們的表現功能如生長,新陳代謝,運動和思想起著至關重要的作用。接觸EMR可以擾亂這種流動,破壞我們器官的功能 – 尤其是大腦的功能。它還可能導致嚴重的健康問題,如失眠,抑鬱症和縮短的注意力時間,同時使大腦暴露於有毒物質造成的傷害。

毫無疑問,電磁輻射會對人體健康造成不利影響。 Total Pro Technology提供的頂級防輻射產品。 通過使用Total Pro Complete,您可以有效保護EMR對人類健康的潛在危險影響 – 無論是您自己還是您關心的人。




电磁辐射会影响人体健康。电磁辐射在我们的身体中流动着电子活动,这对我们的表现功能如生长,新陈代谢,运动和思想起着至关重要的作用。接触EMR可以扰乱这种流动,破坏我们器官的功能 – 尤其是大脑的功能。它还可能导致严重的健康问题,如失眠,抑郁症和缩短的注意力时间,同时使大脑暴露于有毒物质造成的伤害。

毫无疑问,电磁辐射会对人体健康造成不利影响。 Total Pro Technology提供的顶级防辐射产品。通过使用Total Pro Complete,您可以有效保护EMR对人类健康潜在的危险影响 – 无论是您自己还是您关心的人。