Hidden cell phone warnings: a health hazard?

It probably comes as no surprise that most of us carry our phones on our bodies, but few people have actually seen the government-mandated warning message located inside each and every one of our cell phones! CBC’s special investigation with Wendy Mesley took a closer look at this seemingly hidden warning: it tells cell users to keep their device 5 to 15 mm away from their body at all times. And yet, 81% of Canadians have never set eyes on this message, and 67% of Canadians carry their phone on their body (CBC, 2017).

Why so distant?

Why do some cellphones recommend phones be kept a distance of 5 mm from the body, while others say 10, or 15? What do testing standards look like? Mesley found that tests are geared toward full-sized adult heads, that testing on children’s heads is not performed at all, that testing is not an industry requirement and is therefore rare to begin with, and that when tests are performed, they are performed at the 5-15mm distance—which is not reflective of how most people carry and operate their phones. If tested as people actually used them, say some experts, no phone would pass.

Old news is still new: cellphone dangers

Twenty years ago, suspicions about the health risks of cellphones already existed. Why are answers still unclear? Berkley, California recently passed a law requiring cellphone stores to display the hard-to-find warnings publicly, yet industry heads want them taken down, arguing they are alarmist. The fight is expected to reach the supreme court. A recent $25 million study on rats showed an increase of malignant brain and heart tumors even in rats exposed to an amount of RF energy below “safe” levels. Health Canada insists data is inconclusive, yet still offers safety tips: hands-free devices, texts over calls, and limited use for children.


Mesley, W. (2017). “The secret inside your phone: Cellphone safety and testing”. CBC. Retrieved from: http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/episodes/2016-2017/the-secret-inside-your-phone



毫不奇怪,我們大多數人都將手機放在身上,但實際上很少有人看到我們每部手機內都有政府規定的警告信息! CBC與Wendy Mesley的特別仔細調查研究了這個看似隱藏的警告:它告訴手機使用者必須隨時將他們的裝置與身體保持5到15毫米的距離。 然而,81%的加拿大人從來沒有注意到這一信息,67%的加拿大人將他們的手機放在他們的身上(CBC,2017)。

為什麼有些手機建議手機保持身體距離5毫米,而其他人說10或15? 測試標準是什麼樣的? 梅斯利發現,測試是針對全尺寸的成人頭部進行的,對兒童頭部的測試根本沒有執行,測試不是一個行業要求,因此很少開始,而且當測試執行時,它們在 5-15毫米的距離 – 這並不反映大多數人攜帶和操作手機的方式。 如果按照人們實際使用的方式進行測試,一些專家請說,沒有電話會通過。

二十年前,對手機健康風險的懷疑已經存在。 為什麼答案仍不清楚? 加利福尼亞州伯克利最近通過了一項法律,要求手機商店公開顯示難以發現的警告,但行業負責人希望他們撤下,認為他們是危言聳聽。 預計這場鬥爭將達到最高法院。 最近對大鼠進行的2500萬美元研究表明,即使大鼠在暴露於低於“安全”水平的RF能量中,惡性腦和心臟腫瘤也增加。 加拿大衛生部堅稱數據尚無定論,但仍提供安全提示:手提裝置,使用通話短信和限制兒童使用。

梅斯利,W.(2017)。 “手機內部的秘密:手機的安全和測試”。CBC。 取自:http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/episodes/2016-2017/the-secret-inside-your-phone




毫不奇怪,我们大多数人都将手机放在身上,但实际上很少有人看到我们每部手机内都有政府规定的警告信息! CBC与Wendy Mesley的特别仔细调查研究了这个看似隐藏的警告:它告诉手机使用者必须随时将他们的装置与身体保持5到15毫米的距离。然而,81%的加拿大人从来没有注意到这一信息,67%的加拿大人将他们的手机放在他们的身上(CBC,2017)。

为什么有些手机建议手机保持身体距离5毫米,而其他人说10或15?测试标准是什么样的?梅斯利发现,测试是针对全尺寸的成人头部进行的,对儿童头部的测试根本没有执行,测试不是一个行业要求,因此很少开始,而且当测试执行时,它们在5-15毫米的距离- 这并不反映大多数人携带和操作手机的方式。如果按照人们实际使用的方式进行测试,一些专家请说,没有电话会通过。


梅斯利,W.(2017)。 “手机内部的秘密:手机的安全和测试”。CBC。 取自:http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/episodes/2016-2017/the-secret-inside-your-phone