WiFi Radiation 

WiFi is great, it’s convenient and it’s abundant, but there are many doubts concerning the safety of WiFi and the electromagnetic radiation that it emits. WiFi was introduced in 1997, and researchers have studied its impact on health ever since. The results of these studies may not surprise you – WiFi can negatively impact your health, especially in children.

It’s time to start thinking about the consequences and learn how to protect yourself from radiation.

Why is Protection from Radiation Needed?

Though you may not be surprised that WiFi can be harmful to your health, some of the following facts may surprise you. Let’s take a look at nine of the adverse effects of WiFi radiation:

1.Especially Damaging to Children

Exposure to radio-frequency radiation from WiFi can inhibit normal cellular development, especially fetal development. A 2004 study linked exposure to delayed kidney development. In fact, the disruption is so intense that the authors specifically said that exposing our children to WiFi radiation will have a negative impact on their growing tissues causing a greater risk of developmental issues.

2. Can Cause Insomnia

Reports of insomnia related to WiFi radiation exposure have been recurring and even prompted a study in that evaluated low-frequency modulation and its impact on sleep. Participants were either exposed to the electromagnetic fields from cell phones or no signal at all from fake phones. Those exposed to the electromagnetic radiation had increased difficulty falling asleep and there were observed changes in brainwave patterns.

It’s been said that sleeping in a home with WiFi signals can create chronic sleep issues as the constant attack of WiFi interferes with sleep patterns. Difficulty sleeping is just the start for more severe problems, like depression, hypertension, and even improper levels of melatonin (a hormone known to combat certain types of cancer).

3. Inhibits Brain Function

Scientists have started to look at the impact of WiFi radiation on brain function. Using MRI technology, research performed found that persons exposed to 4G radiation had reduced brain activity.

4. Greater Impact on Women

A group of 30 volunteers – 15 women and 15 men – were given a memory test. The entire group was first tested without any exposure to radiation, and no issues were reported during this phase of the test. Afterwards they were exposed to 2.4 GHz WiFi for about 45 minutes. During this portion of the test,brain activity was measured and the women in the study had a noticeable change in brain activity levels compared to the men.

5. May Put Stress on Your Heart

A study involving nearly 70 subjects concluded that many of the participants experienced a real physical response to EMFs. The physical response was increased heart rate, almost as if the person was under stress.

6. Harms Sperm

We’ve known for years that the heat from a laptop computer can destroy sperm. But, research has also found that exposure to WiFi radiation can reduce sperm and cause DNA issues. Testing has confirmed that in animals and humans, exposure negatively affects sperm.

7. May Impact Fertility


Wifi 的 輻 射


WiFi很棒,很方便,而且很豐富,但是對WiFi的安全性和它發出的電磁輻射有很多疑問。 WiFi於1997年推出,研究人員從此開始研究其對健康的影響。 這些研究的結果可能並不會讓你感到驚訝 – WiFi會對你的健康產生負面影響,特別是兒童。

儘管WiFi可能對您的健康有害,但您可能並不感覺到,但以下事實可能會讓您感到驚訝。 我們來看看WiFi輻射的九個不利影響:

接觸來自WiFi的射頻輻射可以抑制正常的細胞發育,特別是胎兒發育。 2004年的一項研究發現接觸射頻輻射延遲腎發育。 事實上,這種破壞非常激烈,作者特別指出,讓我們的孩子接觸WiFi輻射會對其發育中的組織造成負面影響,從而導致更大的發育風險。

與WiFi輻射有關的失眠報告一再出現,甚至促使人們對該低頻調及其對睡眠的影響進行了研究。 參與者兩者任一 1) 接觸到手機的電磁場,2) 根本沒有信號的手機。 那些暴露於電磁輻射的人入睡困難增加,並且觀察到腦波模式的變化。
據說,在有WiFi信號的家中睡覺會造成慢性睡眠問題,因為WiFi的持續攻擊會干擾睡眠模式。 睡眠困難僅僅是更嚴重的問題的開始,如抑鬱症,高血壓,甚至不合當的褪黑激素水平(一種已知抗擊某些類型的癌症的激素)。

科學家們已經開始關注WiFi輻射對大腦功能的影響。 使用MRI技術,進行的研究發現受到4G輻射影響的人大腦活動減少。

一組30名志願者 – 15名女性和15名男性 – 進行了記憶測試。 整個研究小組首先在沒有任何輻射照射的情況下進行測試,並且在測試階段沒有發現任何問題。 之後,他們被受到在2.4 GHz的WiFi辐射影响大約45分鐘。 在測試的這一部分期間,測量了大腦活動,並且與男性相比,研究中的女性的大腦活動水平明顯改變。

一項涉及近70個科目的研究得出結論,許多參與者經歷了對EMFs的真實生理反應。 身體反應增加了心率,就好像該人處於壓力下一樣。

多年來我們知道,手提電腦發出的熱量會破壞精子。 但是,研究還發現,接觸WiFi輻射可以減少精子並導致DNA問題。 在動物和人類的測試證實,受到辐射影响會對精子產生不利影響。



无 线 上 网 的 辐 射


WiFi很棒,很方便,而且很丰富,但是对WiFi的安全性和它发出的电磁辐射有很多疑问。 WiFi于1997年推出,研究人员从此开始研究其对健康的影响。这些研究的结果可能并不会让你感到惊讶 – WiFi会对你的健康产生负面影响,特别是儿童。


接触来自WiFi的射频辐射可以抑制正常的细胞发育,特别是胎儿发育。 2004年的一项研究发现接触射频辐射延迟肾发育。事实上,这种破坏非常激烈,作者特别指出,让我们的孩子接触WiFi辐射会对其发育中的组织造成负面影响,从而导致更大的发育风险。

与WiFi辐射有关的失眠报告一再出现,甚至促使人们对该低频调及其对睡眠的影响进行了研究。参与者两者任一 1) 接触到手机的电磁场,2) 根本没有信号的手机。那些暴露于电磁辐射的人入睡困难增加,并且观察到脑波模式的变化。


一组30名志愿者 – 15名女性和15名男性 – 进行了记忆测试。整个研究小组首先在没有任何辐射照射的情况下进行测试,并且在测试阶段没有发现任何问题。之后,他们被受到在2.4 GHz的WiFi辐射影响大约45分钟。在测试的这一部分期间,测量了大脑活动,并且与男性相比,研究中的女性的大脑活动水平明显改变。

一项涉及近70个科目的研究得出结论,许多参与者经历了对EMFs的真实生理反应。 身体反应增加了心率,就好像该人处于压力下一样。

